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January Journal: Day 10


We are not a soup family, not even in cold January weather, but we do like orange things in our bowls for dinner on the night that Clemson plays in the National Championship.

Thank you for waiting so patiently for Clemson to make their comeback, and thank you for waiting so patiently for recipes from me. I hereby solemnly swear to post two dinner recipes each month this year, so you will have 24 tries to find a new favorite meal for your family.

First up is this Thai Coconut Chicken Soup. A friend brought it to us as a Welcome-to-Greenville gift just after we moved here two years ago. I was worried I wouldn't like it when she said the word "coconut" in the description, since I am not a fan of things tasting or smelling like coconut. But even with two cans of coconut milk, the coconut remains masked by the other outstanding flavors. I am so thankful not only for my friend's thoughtful gift of soup but for Clemson's outstanding performance.

Below is the PDF of this recipe. Just open and print! Oh yeah, then cook!
Thai Coconut Chicken Soup