“Many new things will happen this year” says the fortune cookie or the Dove chocolate wrapper or the blog post I’m writing.
Beginnings and Endings, Part 1
Some things are ending for me, some things are beginning, and some have just rolled over into this new year without any disconnect.
I have half of being 44 behind me, and half ahead of me (today’s my half-birthday). So today is a day right in the middle, a day to talk about what is behind and what is ahead.
Warby Parker Sees Me
You don’t always get the things you want in life, but sometimes you do, and when that happens, you can thank God, or your lucky stars, or Warby Parker.
The story I’m about to tell is one I treasured in my heart for months after it happened because I’m learning how good it can be to hold on to something as mine for a time.