
Whittier, Forleo, and Grits

Whittier, Forleo, and Grits

Cash came home from the school the other day needing to mark on a map the birthplace of the poet John Greenleaf Whittier. I had not heard of Whittier before, but a couple days after I helped Cash look on Wikipedia to find out where he was from (Haverhill, MA), I came across Whittier’s name again in the book I was reading, Adam Alter’s Drunk Tank Pink.

The Eagle on Your Credit Card

The Eagle on Your Credit Card

If Annie said it, I believe it. And she, of course, meant writing.

It is hard not to constantly compare other writers to Anne Lamott, she who thinks of things so ordinary as the eagle on your credit card as a way to help us aspiring writers know what we shouldn’t be chasing.