
The Same Kind of Moments

The Same Kind of Moments

I’m rereading a book I read ages ago called Telling Secrets, and now I might be on a little Buechner kick. On hold at the library, waiting for me to pick them up, are Buechner’s The Sacred Journey and an unrelated book by Tim Madigan called I’m Proud of You: My Friendship with Fred Rogers. TJ and I recently watched the movie “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” and already I want to watch it again so I can copy down some of Mr. Rogers’ quotes.

Each Day Without Fail

Each Day Without Fail

In recent days, I have had a few good conversations about writing and the idea of simply showing up to do the work one has been given to do. Coupled with my current reading of Grit by Angela Duckworth, I feel motivated and inspired. It's a good feeling to have heading into fall and a new school year and a couple days to myself each week on the horizon.

In Hope of Beauty Laid Bare

In Hope of Beauty Laid Bare

Number seventeen on my "18 for 2018" list at the start of the year was to read 36 books. I am almost halfway there. I immensely enjoy keeping this sort of list, and thought you might enjoy seeing it in case you are looking for books to read this summer. My favorites of the year so far are in bold.