
End-of-Year Excitement

End-of-Year Excitement

I imagine it might make some people depressed to think they are doing the same thing on this December 27th as they were doing on this date last year. My one-sentence journal reveals that I am very much the same person now as I was a year ago, and I am not depressed at all.

No Coats On

No Coats On

This is basically why we moved to Greenville, although it isn’t failproof. Today’s weather definitely requires a coat. Also boots and gloves, if you’re to be out for any length of time. It is cold and windy, and as occasionally happens, the weather in Naperville, IL, where we moved from, is warmer today than ours.

No Way!

No Way!

As I read Tara Westover’s memoir, Educated, this past week, I found myself thinking again and again, “No way!” The obstacles Tara overcame from her childhood to be who she is today were so far-fetched, some of them, that one might not believe they could actually happen. The crazy parts began to be more believable when it was revealed that Tara’s father was suffering from mental illness, although I don’t think mental illness could explain away everything.

No Fiction, Usually

No Fiction, Usually

I am not usually one to read fiction, although I always break this rule the minute a new book by Alexander McCall Smith releases. There are few reading moments that make me happier than those nights before bed when I am in the middle of a made-up adventure of Mma Ramotswe, Isabel Dalhousie, or little Bertie Pollock.