10-Minute Pasta

I may have mentioned being in a meal rut lately. BBQ Tofu with Cajun Rice is boring, Cuban Red Beans and Rice is killing me, and if I have to eat Chicken Chilaquiles one more time, I simply cannot. In between somehow continuing to pull off these mundane meals, I've ventured into new recipe territory in the past couple of weeks.

I currently have only one go-to recipe book, Oh She Glows Every Day, which was a birthday gift from my sister last summer. In a year's time, I've worked through the breakfast and smoothie sections, but for main meals, I've stayed stuck in my usual repertoire. 

But not last week. From this one cookbook, I made four new recipes: Shepherd's Pie and Cozy Gravy (2 separate recipes) one night, and Secret Ingredient Chocolate Pudding and Coconut Whipped Cream (2 more separate recipes) another night. I also made Thai Basil Grilled Chicken Thighs from the Publix flyer, and fish tacos from a non-notable random recipe site.

Neither the pie and gravy, nor the pudding and cream, were keepers. It was a real disappointment to not love even one of those new recipes, considering the success of the Oh She Glows smoothie and breakfast recipes I've tried. The good news is that the Thai Basil Chicken and the fish tacos were both huge hits, and I'll be making both of those again soon. 

What this blog post is really about, though, is another Oh She Glows recipe that is not in the cookbook I have. My sister made this herself first and then tipped me off to the recipe from the Oh She Glows website. It's the creamiest, most-flavorful-without-having-cheese pasta recipe I've ever made, and we liked it so much that I made it twice within the first two weeks. It truly would be a ten-minute recipe if you puree the carrots in advance (or buy baby food carrots to add).   

Just cook the pasta, drain and rinse, add back to pot, then add in all the other ingredients. Stir together and cook on low to warm throughout before serving. (See below to print the recipe.)

Click to view and print the recipe: 10-Minute Pasta