[Just as I have several Ashleys in my life, I also have several friends called Sarah. This letter is to the lovely Sarah Hamilton.]
Dear Sarah,
Thank you for the “These Are The Days Of…” journal you gave me for Christmas! I finally started writing in it. I love that you got the idea of making this sort of list from an episode of the Emily P. Freeman podcast we listen to, and then had the journal made to match. It is fun to have a special place to record what these days of made of, and to do it again and again as the months roll by. I wanted to share my list with you that I made this week. I would love to read one of your lists sometime too!
-the season of Lent
-rain or sun + wind
-waiting for summer
-waiting to waterski
-always looking for deer
-often finding deer (and being overjoyed every time!)
-training the girls to turn their dirty clothes “right side out”
-going to Aldi twice a week
-realizing I might be an 8 on the Enneagram instead of a 1
-memorizing Mary Oliver poetry
-reading Wendell Berry books
-lunch parfaits
-sweet potato omelets
-trying to detach from technology
-still going to Tandem as much as I can
-news/hype/panic/reality of Coronavirus
-watching American Idol with TJ and Bauer
-reading Harry Potter to Cash at night before bed (the first time for both of us)
-lots of drawing and coloring by Sailor
-Story reading “Who Was…?” books and being obsessed with JFK
-learning about Norwex for the first time
-family study of Albania as we pray for our missionary friends
-no beer or wine, lots of sparkling water (current favorite flavor: Polar Seltzer Black Cherry)
I took a few pictures to illustrate my list and to make this letter a little more fun.
This is my new favorite Mary Oliver poem.
Lunch parfaits are layers of oatmeal + plain Greek yogurt + chopped fruit + honey.
The key to these omelets are sweet potatoes roasted with olive oil, rosemary, and salt.
I think Sailor knows how much I love the sun!
It’s been fun to learn about a new country. Albania is the size of Massachusetts and the weather is similar to Greenville.
I think I might want to know about Denmark next! Sarah, I am going to miss you so much when you and your family are away for a year. I am so thankful for our friendship. You are a light in this world and a light in my life.